Exploring Effective Treatment Options for Depression
When depression sets in, it may feel like a dark shadow will never leave you, and you may even think that depression therapy will not work. Nevertheless, it is possible to treat even the worst case of depression. Therefore, if depression is inhibiting your lifestyle, it is time to get help. Many effective treatments are available to help you overcome depression, regain hope and happiness, and take control of your life.
Treatments for depression
Since depression does not affect people the same way, every case is different, which means no single treatment works for all. What is effective for one patient may not work for another. The best strategy for handling depression is to arm oneself with sufficient information about the treatment options and adjust them to meet self-requirements.
Antidepressants are effective for depression treatment. In some cases, the patient may need to try multiple antidepressant medications before finding the most effective one. Drugs that have worked for a close relative will possibly help the patient too.
Antidepressants usually take between two to four weeks before they make any difference on the symptoms. The patient will likely notice improvements in sleep, concentration, and appetite before their mood improves. Patients who opt for medications must wait before deciding that the drug is ineffective.
Antidepressants sometimes have side effects but these may reduce with time. If a patient does notice side effects, they should consult their primary caregiver right away. They should not discontinue the medication unless recommended by the doctor. They also should not stop the medications if they feel better, as it could cause unpleasant withdrawal signs and may be harmful. It is better to follow the treatment duration and only stop the drugs slowly and safely with the aid of a doctor.
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
This treatment is beneficial for patients who are not improving with medications, are psychotic, are feeling suicidal, or pose a danger to themselves. The commencement of results may be quicker than medications, and improvements are often noticeable within a week of treatments. Candidacy for ECT depends on the following:
Threat of suicide
Unresponsiveness to medications
History of good response to ECT
High risk of mortality or medical morbidity
Patient’s preference
While advances in ECT have improved the compatibility and safety of this procedure, there are associated risks, such as those linked with postictal confusion or rarely, temporary memory impairments.
Evidence-based psychotherapies such as cognitive behavior and interpersonal therapy have been found effective for treating depression.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
CBT works on the assumption that patients suffering from depression are filled with thoughts of a dysfunctional negative perception of themselves, their life experiences (and society), and their future. This means a clinically depressed person will probably feel that they are incapable and helpless, may consider others as judgmental and opposing, and see the future as bleak and unpromising.
CBT focuses on helping patients realize and adjust maladaptive thoughts and behavioral patterns. Multiple research studies as reported by Frontiers in Psychiatry support the effectiveness of CBT for patients of all ages. Experts also consider it to be effective for preventing relapse.
Interpersonal therapy (IPT)
Interpersonal therapy is a time-based treatment for major depression. It focuses on minimizing or removing the symptoms of depression to enhance the quality of the patient’s interactions with other people and social relations.
How long does depression therapy take?
In a nutshell, there is no magic bullet when it comes to mental health or therapy. "On average fifteen to twenty sessions are necessary for 50% of patients to recover as shown by self-reported symptom assessments," according to the American Psychological Association.
Several variables influence how long it takes for treatment to help a patient overcome depression:
Depression symptom severity
Co-occurring disorders (such as anxiety, eating disorders, or substance abuse)
Treatment and medication adherence
Frequency of therapy sessions
Which is more effective for depression: psychotherapy or medication?
The needs of each individual patient vary. Therefore, it is essential to provide individualized care. Many people with moderate to severe depression have found relief with antidepressant treatment. Similarly, some people benefit just as much from therapy as they would from medications.
However, many people who suffer from severe or persistent depression will get the most out of a combination of treatment and antidepressant medication. The difficulty is in determining the optimal medicine and treatment regimen. Therefore, those dealing with more severe depression should collaborate with their doctor and a group of competent mental health providers to create a holistic treatment plan.
It is crucial to note that getting well from a mental health issue is a process. Multiple tries at medicine may be necessary, and treatment might span many months.
The bottom line
Every case of depression is unique. Seek help from a professional if you believe that you or your child might be suffering from depression.
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