Mental Health
Mental health counselors offer ongoing psychological care to those suffering from maladies including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, unhealthy relationships, substance abuse and beyond. There are numerous benefits from participating in mental health counseling sessions. In general, the goal of mental health counseling is to help the patient live a healthy, happy and fulfilling life.
This therapy is essential to help those suffering from mental health disorders properly function in relationships, social settings and even when alone at home. Mental health therapy ultimately improves patients’ behaviors, thoughts and feelings. For some, our therapy results in a boost to the patient’s well-being. For others, mental health therapy results in improved relationships, a better work performance, reduced social isolation or fewer visits to the doctor.
Adolescent Psychiatry
Patients between the ages of 13 and 18 often require counseling to help deal with some of the toughest years of one’s life. The teenage years are a time when young adults pass through the physical and emotional maturation processes that often proves quite grueling. The pressures of the high school setting along with the responsibilities of driving and holding a part-time job can only further complicate things.
Some of these adolescents struggle with psychiatric issues while others struggle with behavioral problems. In certain instances, adolescents struggle with both. Counseling for adolescents sometimes involves an inpatient program for around the clock care. The focus is to stabilize immediate concerns and provide ongoing support for the patient’s unique needs.
Benefits of adolescent psychiatry include improving the patient’s ability to interact with others, succeed in school and enjoy a stronger family system. We accomplish this improvement through individual mental health counseling sessions as well as group therapy sessions that sometimes involve family members.
Child Psychiatry
Plenty of people assume professional counseling is strictly for adults. In reality, many children are also in desperate need of the assistance provided by mental health counselors. Children are especially sensitive as they lack life experience and an understanding of their surroundings. This is precisely why child psychiatrists are so important to the well-being of youngsters.
A child who suffers from mental or behavioral issues needs treatment that properly addresses said issues. We offer patients the proper counseling in a timely manner for the child’s successful progression into the teenage years and beyond. With an examination and diagnosis, we will be able to identify the root of the child’s problem. Furthermore, we can pinpoint other factors that influence the child’s behavior, including:
We will help craft a customized treatment plan unique to the child in need of assistance. The purpose of this customized treatment is to reduce the severity of the child’s problems.
In many cases, counseling proves successful in altering the child’s feelings, emotions and behaviors. Successful counseling sessions improve the child’s mental health, mood, sociability, behavior and even his academic performance. Counseling can prevent the advancement of phobias, anxiety disorders, self-harming behaviors, social withdrawal and depressive disorders.
Adult Psychiatry
Mental health counseling has helped countless adults live more productive and happy lives. These counseling sessions help with psychiatric disorders ranging from psychotic disorders to anxiety disorders, bipolar disorders, personality disorders and beyond. This is accomplished through psychotherapy and in some instances, medication management. This is the assistance so many adults need to enhance mental health, enjoy improved relationships with others, live in an autonomous manner, perform better at work and ultimately feel happier.